GZ Logo


our facility with shelves, clothes racks and sofa corner


Mondays   09:30 - 12:00
Thursdays   15:00 - 17:00
1st Saturday in the month 
(from February 2025)
10:00 - 12:00

on the other days after consultation by telephone: see contact person



we would like to inform you that food and sanitary products will only be distributed in limited numbers, as these items are intended for the emergency supply. Self-service of food and hygiene items is not allowed! These items will be distributed and handed out by the staff.

However, an unlimited number of clothes, shoes, toys and household items can be selected and taken away.

We ask for your understanding
Your team from the GUTE ZWECK LADEN

The „GUTE ZWECK LADEN“  - sustainable, solidary, helpful ... for everyone!

Dear fellow citizens of our beautiful community of Schmelz.

You all know that due to the war in Ukraine, women and men joined forces to set up a help and contact point for Ukrainian refugees. This resulted in a great project, which subsequently developed into a real treasure for all citziens and of course for people in need. At this point, we would like to thank all the donors, because without these donations in kind and money and without the men and women who work voluntarily, whether in the "GUTE ZWECK LADEN" itself or in the administrative area, such a project would never be possible.

With our "GUTE ZWECK LADEN", we have a sustainable impact, are helpful and show solidarity by finding new owners for clothing and items that are still in good condition and therefore usable, instead of ending up in the bin.
Please note that items from the store are intended for personal use and may not be resold. You can take these items for free, but we are happy to receive monetary donations to cover our running costs.

So please feel free to come and visit us. We are of course very happy to receive further donations.

Our opening hour: Mondays from 09:30-12:00 and Thursdays fron 15:00-17:00.

Sincerely, your team from "Der GUTE ZWECK LADEN Schmelz - sustainable, solidary, helpful ... for everyone!"

Since 1 March 2023 under the sponsorship of the Kolping Family Schmelz St. Marien (information in German).

kolping logo transparent


Hoher Staden 13, 66839 Schmelz
(neben Küchenstudio Scherer)

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